Friday, June 2, 2023



 Weight: 90 - 310 kg (male, adult), 65 - 170 kg (female, adult)

 Speed: 49 – 65 km/h (in a while)

 10 – 15 years (in the wild)

 Scientific name: Panthera tigris


 * shaping

 Tigers are the biggest bills in the world.  Amur tigers are the largest tigers, with males weighing up to 660 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet wide from nose to tail tip.  The smallest of the subspecies of Sumatran tigers are the true ones, with a maximum weight of about 310 pounds and a height of 8 feet.

* Male

 Male tigers have slightly longer tails relative to their body size than female tigers.  The images when combined with information about the tiger's overall size can help determine the line of the tiger's tail.  The front paws are also larger relative to the body size of the males.

 (watch this video) 👆

 ● Who was the first tiger on the earth?

 Miacoides is the oldest tiger ancestor ever found.  Carnivores split into two clades, namely the Feliformia and the Caniformia, about 40 million years ago.  The Feliformia group was more cat-like and eventually included animals that included cats, hyenas, civets and marsupials.

Tiger was first described scientifically in 1758.  It once extended from the Eastern Anatolia region in the west to the Amur River Basin in the east and from the Himalayan foothills in the south to Bali in the Sunda Islands.  Since the beginning of the 20th century, tiger populations have lost at least 93% of their historical range and have become extinct in areas of western and central Asia, Java and Bali, and large areas of Southeast and South Asia and China  are are  Tigers are still fragmented in their range from Siberian temperate forests to subtropical and montane forests on the Indian subcontinent, Indochina and a single Indonesian island, Sumatra.

The tiger is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.  As of 2015, the global wild tiger population was estimated to be between 3,062 and 3,948 adults, with the majority of the population living in small isolated areas.  India currently hosts the largest population of tigers.  The major causes of population decline are habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, and poaching.  Tigers are also victims of human-wildlife conflict due to overcrowding in countries with high human population density.

 The tiger is one of the most claimed and popular of the world's smasa megafauna.  It has featured prominently in the folklore of ancient mythologies and parables throughout its historical range and has been featured in modern films and literature, appearing on many flags, coats of arms and as mascots for sporting events.  ,  Tiger is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea.

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